888-559-5673 info@phasealpha.com

When you deploy an app, you distribute it, make it available or position it so that it can be used. The mere act of deployment does not guarantee that your employees will use the app — and if they do not use it, your investment in a mobile enterprise app is not likely to provide you with the benefits you anticipated. You need to achieve a significant adoption rate for your mobility efforts to succeed.


Driving up your mobile enterprise app adoption rates will require usage data and analytics. These tools offer insight into user behavior, usage conditions and download activity. Finding the precise point where your employees stop installing or using your app helps you identify pain points and functionality that needs improvement as well as your successes.


The following tips can help you improve the adoption rate of your mobile enterprise apps.


  • Follow deployment by proactively engaging your employees. Hold a meeting to announce the availability of a new app, offer training sessions or host a question-and-answer session.
  • Be sure to provide support for the users if you want to achieve long-term success. Investigate the possibility of giving remote access to the users’ devices to facilitate upgrades or troubleshooting.
  • Ask users for feedback. Provide them with an environment, such as an anonymous survey, in which they feel it is safe to offer honest evaluations of the app. Use the feedback you receive to “tweak” the app or improve your next app.
  • Maintain a continuous development cycle for constant improvement. The life cycle of your app does not end at deployment. Usage statistics and user feedback can help you identify areas that need improvement. The longer you wait to fix the problems, the more likely it becomes that your employees will abandon the app and find “work-arounds” to avoid using the app.


A mobile enterprise app can provide you a number of benefits, including time savings, enhanced customer satisfaction and improved employee productivity. However, it cannot provide any of these benefits if you cannot get your employees to use the app — and to use it properly.


At PhaseAlpha, we believe that our job is to solve our customers’ software issues rather than sell them a product. We will work closely with you to determine the best solution for your mobile enterprise needs, provide you with a quality app and guide you through the post-deployment phase. If you would like to learn more about our services, you can email us at info@phasealpha.com or call us at 913.648.9200.